04.04.2016 20:25 h

Police probe Vardy baby Twitter threats

Police are looking into sexual threats made on Twitter against the one-year-old daughter of Leicester City and England striker Jamie Vardy.

The abuse came after the fiancee of the Foxes forward posted pictures of the couple's child wearing a Leicester shirt ahead of the Premier League leaders' 1-0 win over Southampton on Sunday.

Leicestershire Police launched an investigation into the threats after a formal complaint was made on Monday.

Rebekah Nicholson tweeted shots of her daughter wearing a T-shirt with 'Daddy' emblazoned on the back, and this prompted rape threats on the social networking site.

Nicholson responded by saying: "There are no words for people like you! You need locking up."

Meanwhile Vardy posted a screenshot of the threats, with the words "shocking and vile".

"Leicestershire Police is investigating a report of malicious communication being sent via social media," the force said in a statement.

"A report was made (on Monday) of an abusive message being received (on Sunday evening) by a woman on Twitter. Inquiries remain ongoing and the force is liaising with Leicester City Football Club."

A Leicester spokesman called the abuse "shocking", saying: "We have offered our full support to Jamie and his family in dealing with this shocking abuse and referred the matter to the police."